Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani Mosque

As long as you walk around Bagdad, The city of history, literature and culture, we take you now to a great Islamic site. To Hazrat al-Qadiriyyah located on the side of al-Rusafa and in the locality called Bab al-Sheikh) in relation to His Holiness Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Kilani (may God be pleased with him), the sheikh of Islam and the leader of the scholars of his time, and before you set your eyes on it as a prelude to visit it. take a quick look at the past and present of this presence. The pages of history tell us that Hazrat al-Qadiriyya was originally a religious school built by the Hanbali jurist, Sheikh Al-Mubarak bin Ali bin Al-Hussein Abu Saeed Al-Makhrami, who died in the year (513 AH 1119 AD).

Then it was renewed and expanded after him by his student, Sheikh Abd al-Qadir bin Musa bin Abdullah al-Kilani. He is a great imam, born in the province of Gilan, south of the Caspian Sea, in the year (470) AH – 1077 AD). He came to Baghdad as a young man, and the rich helped him with their money and the poor themselves. Then it is issued in this school to teach, preach and remind. Soon, he surpassed his teachers in adhering to virtue, asceticism, and principle, and recommended love for the stranger and austerity. And his fame spread, And he became a great sheik. He is respected in every place where a muezzin calls to prayer and the supernatural is attributed to him. The disciples flocked to him, and he established the Qadiriyya order, which still exists to this day. Which is one of the most widespread Sufi orders in the countries of the world. The lineage of Sheikh Abdul Qadir on both sides of his father and mother goes back to the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH). His lineage also has a connection with Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may God be pleased with him), Othman bin Affan (may God be pleased with him), and Omar bin Al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him).

This faithful Sheikh passed away in the year (561 AH – 1166 AD) and was buried in the hallway of the school. Then it turned out to be a mosque, and it was one of the greatest mosques in Baghdad. The shrine and mosque of Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Kilani witnessed many construction works. The most important of them is the year (941 AH – 1534 AD), when a dome was built over his winter prayer hall, which astonishes the viewer with its greatness, height, exquisite workmanship, and perfect engineering. I counted the largest dome in Iraq, built of bricks and plaster. and still stands today, As for the Hazrat al-Kaylani clock, whose tower was built in the same style as the al-Qishla clock tower in Baghdad, It was erected in the year 1336 AH 1898 AD in its tower, which was built by the late Abd al-Rahman al-Naqib, Prime Minister of the first Iraqi government. Baghdad supervision captain, who died in 1345 A.H. – 1927 A.D.), This luxury watch was made in the famous (Pune) factories in Bombay, India. It is thirty meters high. Its hands are still working regularly until this hour. In the year 1970, this holy presence witnessed a number of maintenance and development works, including the renewal of the blue and white domes and the construction of other domes decorated with faience. Which made it a sign of Islamic architecture in Iraq.

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