Mosul Wall

It is a large wall that surrounded the city of Mosul. The first to build it was Said bin Abdul Malik, who took over Mosul in the succession of his father Abdul Malik in the year 896 AH / 685-708 AD. Then, Marwan bin Muhammad expanded the wall that Saeed built in the places where the city expanded and repaired what was destroyed of it, in the early second century of Hijra. Wall Said remained until the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid demolished it in 180 AH 797 AD. The perimeter of the wall is 12 km. Rectangular in shape, built in Al-Han Al-Asmar, it has stone towers, and it has a number of gates, including (Al-Emadi, Al-Jassasin, Al-Midan, Kinda, Al-Serr, Iraq, Lakash, butchers, Al-Mashra’a, Al-Jisr Al-Qalaa)

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