King Ghazi Palace

At a distance of 20 km to the north-east of the city of Daghara, the Euphrates River splits into the two branches of Dagara and Diwaniyah. In the place where the two branches of Dagara and Al-Diwaniyah separate, is the King Ghazi Palace. It is a house built of bricks consisting of a hall, four rooms and a fenced yard with some palms and rose seedlings. The people and the state called this house (King’s Palace), but it is not similar to palaces in anything. Rather, it is a temporary resting place and a hunting headquarters built for the convenience of King Ghazi. In addition to that, the king used it to meet the sheikhs of the middle Euphrates clans. The area of the palace is eight acres, and it contains a museum that includes collectibles and pictures of the kings of Iraq, and the entrance is decorated with statues of the three kings and cannons dating back to the Ottoman era.

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