Ibn Buniya Mosque

The Al-Bunniyyah Mosque is one of the mosques located on the Karkh side of the city of Baghdad and in the Al-Alawi region. It is distinguished by its unique Islamic architecture and style. It contains paintings in Arabic calligraphy of verses from the Qur’an on its walls, made by the calligrapher Hashem Muhammad Al-Baghdadi. It is considered one of the important urban landmarks of Baghdad.

The mosque contains a large chapel that can accommodate more than 1,000 worshippers, and the mosque campus includes a large mihrab of the utmost luxury and beauty, and above the campus is an oval dome 36 m high, 25 m in diameter, and decorated with beautiful carvings, and the mosque has a high minaret with a height of 55 m, which is octagonal in shape 3m in diameter, covered with blue Karbalai kashi.

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