Kirkuk castle

One of the most famous sites in Kirkuk, the castle was built in the time of the Assyrian king Assur naser son of the second in 850 – 884 BC , The dimensions are 400 x 500 m2 it stands at around 18 with an area of 25 hectares.

Bash Tapia Castle

The castle of Bash Tapia and the remains of the old wall of Mosul were demolished. Only a piece remains of the castle near the two previous sites known as Bash Tapia, which is the remains of a lofty castle overlooking the Tigris.

Qinjik hill

It is located under the Nineveh Wall and is one of the most important archaeological sites in the city of Mosul. Where many artifacts dating back to the historical era 7000BC-6000BC were discovered, some of which are in the British Museum in London and are currently located in the agricultural neighborhood in the city of …

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Hatra is 110 km away from Mosul. It lasted about two centuries, from the first century to the second century AD. It was ruled by four kings whose rule lasted for nearly a hundred years. The civilization of this country was Aramaic-speaking and believed in the Iraqi planetary religion, with a clear influence on the …

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The name Ashur is associated with a sprawling wide empire established by the people of the area to include Syria, Anatolia, Iran, Egypt and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Ashur is the name of the first capital of the Assyrians, along with the name of their main god. If you want to know the location …

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