
Daniel’s Market

It was built in the nineteenth century by the Iraqi Jewish personality Menachem Salih Daniel. The market is very beautiful and in the form of arches, and it was branching out from several rooms that were a hostel for Jewish visitors to the shrine of the Prophet Ezekiel, which is adjacent to the market.


Dhul-Kifl is located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, halfway between Kufa and Hilla. Historical studies show that the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II deported Jewish captives from the Kingdom of Judea in Palestine to Babylon. This deportation was known as the Babylonian captivity in the first and second stages, and it brought more …

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It is currently called Birs Nimrud (Athar Birs), which was important in the Babylonian religion, as it was a place of worship for the god (Nabu), the son of the great Babylonian god (Marduk), located about 17 km south of the city of Babylon. The city of Borsippa contains a ziggurat, which is present until …

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According to the Sumerian version of history, it is considered the first city in which a king reigns after the great flood that was mentioned in Sumerian myths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is pronounced in the Akkadian language, Kichatu, which was located near Tel Al-Ahmar in the Iraqi province of Babylon, 12 km from …

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