
It is currently called Birs Nimrud (Athar Birs), which was important in the Babylonian religion, as it was a place of worship for the god (Nabu), the son of the great Babylonian god (Marduk), located about 17 km south of the city of Babylon. The city of Borsippa contains a ziggurat, which is present until today, rising to 47 meters above ground level, and which was decorated of its colors and seven layers. When you climb the ziggurat, you see at the top what you might wonder about: huge blocks of molten bricks of dark green color. However, we cannot give a sufficient explanation for this phenomenon, although some see that the entrance to the amphitheater was hit by a meteorite, which led to melting its bricks.
It is also believed that in this place, King Nimrud witnessed the conflict with the Prophet Ibrahim, which is narrated by religious sources. However, archaeologists do not recognize the local religious legends, especially since they are not mentioned in the cuneiform texts discovered on the Borsippa site.

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