Alkhulafa Mosque

And you mean (the popular Algazel market in the middle of Al-Khalifa Street, which is held on Friday of every week, overlooking the Caliphs Mosque in its newly constructed new form, which is adorned by a tall archaeological beacon that is originally part of the mosque that was established by the Abbasid caliph Al-Muktafi in God during his six years of rule 289 ) – 295 AH / 902 – 908 AD) and it was known at the beginning of its foundation as the Mosque of the Palace) in relation to the Hassani Palace, then it was called (the Mosque of the Alkhulafa). Then (the Mosque of the Khulafa), and it was considered the official mosque of the Abbasid state. The covenants of the judges were read in it, and the funerals of dignitaries and scholars were prayed in it. The seminars of jurists, debaters and hadith scholars are held in it. As for the current minaret of the mosque, which is one of the oldest minarets in Baghdad, it was built in the year (678 AH – 1279 AD) and its height is approximately (36) meters. Its base consists of twelve ribs. Its circumference is (64 and 20) meters and is known today as the Lighthouse of Souk Al-Ghazal.

Source: Guide to religious tourism in Iraq 1992

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