Al-Qusair Church

It is 5 km away from Al-Ukhaydir fort. Its construction dates back to the fifth century AD, and it is considered the oldest church in the Middle East, built of limestone and fixed with plaster.

Al-Uqaisir Church is a very old Christian settlement that was built in the middle of the desert for fear of the authority at the time, and it used to take water from underground wells. The Sassanid state was tolerant of this church, in defiance of the Romans.

Its traces are still clear with Aramaic inscriptions on its walls, in addition to the existence of the altar, which faces towards Jerusalem, which is elevated by the rest of the church floor. You can also see the monuments of the graves near the Church. The word “Qusair” is local, and it is a diminutive of the Arabic word for “Palace”.

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