Al-Mutanabbi Shrine

He is Abu al-Tayyib Ahmad Husayn al-Ja’fi, better known as al-Mutanabbi, born in 915 AD and died in 965 AD, al-Mutanabbi is a wise poet, and is one of the greatest Arab poets. He was born and raised in Kufa and traveled to many Arab and Islamic countries and cities, and ended up being killed, along with his son Mehsad, at the hands of Fatek Al-Asadi, a bandit, and was buried in Numaniyah.

Al-Mutanabbi’s tomb is located 3 km north of the Numaniyah Junction in Wasit Governorate in Iraq. It was first built of mud in the thirties of the last century by Hamoudi Al-Shakour (one of the notables of the region). Then, at the end of the forties, certain international committees came to analyze the remains of the body to ensure that it belonged to the poet Abu Al-Tayyib Al-Mutanabbi, and when the remains were confirmed, the current building was built in the year 2000 AD.

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