Al-Manara (Wasit City Gate)

Which rises about 11 meters and is in the eastern part of the city and represents the remains of the gate of Al-Sharabiya School in Wasit. Al-Sharabiya School is one of the oldest academic schools in Iraq. It is located in the ancient city of Wasit, in Al-Hay neighborhood, where the palace and the mosque are. It is the last remnant of the ruins of the city of Wasit, and is one of three schools that were built during the time of Caliph al-Mustansir, as the first was built in Baghdad, the second in Wasit, and the third in Mecca by Sharaf al-Din Iqbal al-Sharabi in the year 632 AH, that is, after a long period of building the city of Wasit by Al-Hajaj who died in the city in the year 95 AH.

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